We have picked out the 4 most affordable & cost-effective electrical power probe testers from Obd2shop. What are the differences between them? Don’t know how to choose? No worries, let’s take a look at the comparison form below. GODIAG GT101 vs. GT102 vs. JDIAG P200 vs. Autel PS100 Comparison Differences 1. Price GODIAG GT101 = GODIAG GT102<AutelPS100<JDIAG P200 2. Functions - Both GODIAG GT101/ GT102 support fuel injector cleaning while the others do not. - Both AutelPS100&JDIAG P200 support AC Voltage, resistance while the others do not. - Only JDIAG P200supports the oscilloscope function. - Only AutelPS100 does not support fuel injector test & relay test. - Only GODIAG GT102 does not support current. Similarities - 4 electrical power probes all support DC voltage, positive & negative voltage output, component activation, open circuit detection, short circuit detection, flashlight. - GODIAG GT101/ AutelPS100/ JDIAG P200 support current. - GODIAG GT101/ GT102/ JD...
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